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Isadora Vaughan + Kate Hill

Gallery 6 Material Exchange | Fall Line Isadora Vaughan and Kate Hill For Fall Line, Kate Hill and Isadora Vaughan will respond to the idea of mentoring, learning and guidance.… Continue reading

A Joke Without Laughter

Gallery 4 A Joke Without Laughter Alexandra Nemaric, Aly Westwood, Angus Baird, Phil Edwards, Si Ma Va- Presented by c3 Projects A sickly green that permeates its surroundings- biting into… Continue reading

Yuria Okamura

Gallery 5 Shifting Shapes, Forming Spaces Yuria Okamura Yuria Okamura’s abstract drawing practice brings together and reinterprets various idealities from across cultures and histories. Through mapping, reconfiguring and connecting diverse… Continue reading

Faux Studio: c3 Annual Fundraiser

In 2014 c3 launched a series of curated fundraising exhibitions to assist with the long-term sustainability of the gallery and to raise money to support artists by reducing the gallery… Continue reading

Faux Fair

Last year c3 launched its inaugural fundraising exhibition Faux Museum to assist with the long-term sustainability of the gallery and support artists by reducing the gallery fees. Part-one in a… Continue reading


Curators: Sophie Bannan (NZ), Kim Brockett, Jon Butt, Sarah crowEST, Michelle Gordon, Stacy Jewell + Georgia Hutchison, Melanie Katsalidis, Vivian Cooper Smith, Tai Snaith, Nella Themelios, Beth Ellen Wilkinson and… Continue reading


Spring / Summer Series Part 2: Feeling Material
 28th October – 22nd November Opening Wednesday 28th October 6pm to 8pm Co-curated by Benjamin Woods and c3 Projects Feeling Material is… Continue reading

Feeling Material: Artists

Grace Anderson Jessie Bullivant Eliza Dyball Helen Grogan Melanie Irwin Open Spatial Workshop (Terri Bird, Bianca Hester, Scott Mitchell) Geoff Robinson Charlie Sofo Isadora Vaughan Benjamin Woods (Above image: Benjamin… Continue reading

Feeling Material: Events / Actions

Alongside the exhibition within c3, a number of key events, performances and screenings will take place in locations across the Abbotsford Convent site and beyond: Open Spatial Workshop (Terri Bird,… Continue reading

Feeling Material Text

Writing alongside the exhibition Feeling Material, October-November 2015, c3 Contemporary Art Space Benjamin Woods • Matter and discussion are forces that can be perceived together and apart. • It can… Continue reading