Gallery 4
Every Object in My House (In Paper)
Leanne Failla
Every Object in My House (In Paper) marks the continuation of a process of experimentation and making: exploring notions of the way an event is constructed, whereby its components are deconstructed as a form of theoretical testing. In this work the physical form of an object is defined as an anchor point in an attempt to express the intangible aspects of an event. The notion of an event as a form of scene is played out through the physical gesture of inserting the mass arrangement of paper objects within the gallery space: questioning their definition as anchor points and the reading of an object’s presence and perceived hierarchies within the scene’s creation. Material and scale further layer this reading, being used as a tool to neutralise the scene, and in doing such changing the narrative of each object. The scene presented therefore seems askew, not only through the objects themselves but the viewer’s notion of object intention.