Gallery 1 Between Days Ella Dunn I began making this body of work after moving to a new area in the Northern suburbs of Melbourne. Although similar in many ways… Continue reading
Gallery 2 Seen Julia Stewart and Cameron Gill Julia Stewart and Cameron Gill are interested in the challenges and subtleties that emerge in painting ‘from life’. While photography can act… Continue reading
Gallery 3 Collision Penny Walker-Keefe and Lewis O’Brien In 2009 news circulated that a bird had dropped a piece of baguette into the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), also called an… Continue reading
Gallery 4 Reworked Isabella Darcy Reworked by Melbourne-based artist Isabella Darcy is an on-going project and investigation into the material processes of twenty-first century shopping. The project explores the connections… Continue reading
Gallery 5 Cognitive AI Juice Bar Lewis Doherty Cognitive AI Juice Bar is an enquiry into the nature of human-computer interaction: from the benign to the more overtly disruptive elements… Continue reading
Gallery 6 Futile Devices Maddy Anderson and Jack Martinich The exhibition Futile Devices acts as a platform to unravel different communication methods, including that between humans and machines. The project… Continue reading
Gallery 1 To Practice is to Keep Trying Jacqui Gordon To Practice is to keep trying forms part of a larger project, Listening Through the West, which stems from research… Continue reading
Gallery 2 Steadfast Against the Diagonal Emma Berry & Liv Moriarty An interface is where two systems meet, the point of interaction, two entities separate but connected by a line.… Continue reading
Gallery 3 Tree Time Caitlin Dear with Thomas Schmocker Have you ever hung out with a tree…? Come on a walk through the gardens of the Abbotsford Convent to meet… Continue reading
Gallery 4 Love Language Alice Ramsden Alice Ramsden’s current practice explores the possibilities that exist within expanded painting, using the language of sculpture and craft. This suite of works are… Continue reading