GALLERY 1 FOYER SPACE MAPPING THE INTANGIBLES SARAH RITCHIE Mapping the Intangibles considers museological devices such as the grid, the specimen, the container and frame. I am particularly interested in… Continue reading
SPACE A GREY FLAGS SIMON OCARRIGAN O’Carrigan’s works take the ‘human condition’ and its accompanying existential void and as their subject matter—though they are sometimes tongue in cheek. In Grey… Continue reading
SPACE B PHATLAND ROSS TAYLOR In Phatland, the meticulously drawn landscapes of Ross Taylor float amid a silent white void. Evidence of life appears sporadically and the impact of erosive… Continue reading
PROJECT ROOM ANYTHING BUT ORDINARY MAGGIE BROWN Anything but ordinary explores the contradiction that while we desperately want to be liked, seeking approval from people similar to us, we also… Continue reading
GALLERY 2 BEND NO END ALEX PENFOLD Bend No End presented a series of new works by Alex Penfold.
GALLERY 3 MAKE+SHIFT+PROJECTS PRESENTS: IMMERSION COMPLEX AMANDA AIRS, HAYLEY SCILINI & LISA FRANKLAND CURATED BY ADRIANE HAYWARD Immersion Complex is the creation of an abstract spatial construction. It is three… Continue reading
GALLERY 1 FOYER SPACE HEATHER HESTERMAN BLACK LINE FALL BLACK LINE FALL is the first manifestation in a series of exhibitions to explore aspects of scale, as a physical and… Continue reading
SPACE A FOIL ANDRE TJABERINGS Via the constructs of surreal visionary architecture, Andre Tjaberings investigates 3-D geometry, spatial intrigues, systems and cities. He uses these as metaphorical vehicles to explore… Continue reading
PROJECT ROOM SU CASA EMMA GALLAGHER & KEVINA-JO SMITH Sharing a common sense of tactility and perseverance, Gallagher & Smith intertwine their practice to present Su Casa; an exhibition to… Continue reading
SPACE B FOR THIS HOUR KIRSTEN TURNER “Your life on earth will be, as always, the interval between two significant glances in a mundane mirror.” The Beautiful and Damned –… Continue reading