In Claire Mooney’s exhibition Lost Forms she explores pattern and abstraction in relation to the landscape. Photographic images are fractured, recombined and emptied out so only floating markers of the landscape remain: a fragment of branch; a silhouette of leaves against the sky; and a small indication of a residual locative reference. Here, the landscape acts as a starting point, a seed around which shapes and patterns can congregate, crystallize and grow. In some particular way, abstraction has been enacted upon and with the landscape; all put through a flawed machine of process, serialism and repetition to crank out some sullied scape/shape bits. Here, the landscape is not considered as a view or environment, but as nature-derived material for a pattern-hungry system. It is art fodder. These fragments are used as condensed multi-pieces to reconstruct a broken form, re-presenting, layering and blocking the bits of nature-pattern and ornament together.